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The Dashboard

Learn to make metrics more visible

Updated over a week ago

Here's what you'll learn in this section:

  1. What does the Dashboard do?

  2. Where I can find it?

  3. Who can acess this page?

  4. What are the metrics?

  5. How can I get my the results for my metrics? 

  6. How can I create a new metric?

  7. Exploring metrics

1.What does the Dashboard do?

The Dashboard is a screen that centralizes the most pertinent information for managers in one place, directly and visually, optimizing your time. 

And, it’s also customizable! You can create your own metrics by using filters, select just the things that are most important to you, and drag the metric blocks wherever you want, using our drag and drop system.

2. Where can I find it?

Access Company > Dashboard. Take a look at the following image below to learn how to access and drag the blocks using our drag and drop system.

3. Who can acess this page?

The Dashboard is visible to every user, but each user’s Dashboard is unique. If you create, edit, and delete the metrics, those changes will not affect anyone else's Dashboard.

However, the information that appears (such as the number of tasks, projects, etc.) is determined by the user’s level of access. For example, within the total tasks field, the users will only see the number of projects that they are permitted to access and view. If, for example, they are only allowed to see the projects and tasks of the team to which they belong, the number of tasks listed will be the number of tasks in which their team is participating.

4. What are the metrics?

Metrics are numbers that can quantify important behaviors and trends for the formation of indicators and for use in decision-making. 

When creating your metric, consider what you want to measure and why. 

You can create the following types of metrics:

  • Task metrics

  • Project metrics

  • Quick list of projects

  • List of hours invested by user 

  • Registered hours chart by client 

  • Registered hours chart by project

  • Registered hours chart by task type

5. How can I get my the results for my metrics? 

To create Dashboard projects and task metrics to suit your requirements, you need to understand the filters that are being used.  

The conditions we choose in the metrics creation filters make it possible to create a huge variety of metrics that filter specific tasks/projects, according to your needs. 

There are 3 conditions: Column, Operator and Value.

  • Column: This is where you can choose the main condition for filtering specific tasks/projects. Those conditions can include, for example, activity, desire date, progress, ID, group, remaining and worked hours, stage, type.

  • Operator: The options change according to the condition chosen in the Column. They can be; greater, lesser, equal to; contains, does not contain, null.

  • Value: varies according to the Operator chosen. The format may be in hours, percentage, or date.

Add as many conditions as you like by clicking ADD CONDITION.

6. How can I create a new metric?

To create a task metric, go to Company> Dashboard > New Metric> Select the type of metric you want to create. Choose a name for the metric and the conditions for filtering the tasks and then click SAVE.

  • Task Metrics 

Displays, as a result, the total number of tasks, according to the conditions chosen in the metric. There are task metrics that measure per team, by delays, by date, or whatever you choose under the conditions. Some task metrics are already included as defaults in the Dashboard (and those can be edited):

Example: Tasks in progress with less than 80% completed (Task Metrics > % Progress > is less than > 80 > ADD CONDITION > State > is > in development > SAVE)

Attention: If you want to see if a user is overloaded, use the Available hours report (Company > Reports > Available hours).

  • Project Metrics 

Project metrics, as well as task metrics, provide a total number as a result, according to the conditions chosen in the metric. You can create, under its conditions, project metrics that filter for delays, projects associated with a particular client, creation date, activity, and more.

The metrics that are already included in the Dashboard are "Delayed Projects" and "Projects with Probable Delays":

Example: Projects with a budget greater than or equal to 15,000 (Project Metrics> Budget> is greater than or equal to> 15,000> SAVE).

  • Quick List of Projects

The Quick List of Projects metric shows the most active projects in the last 7 days, according to your access level to client> project. A maximum of 10 projects is displayed in this metric, even when selecting all projects.  

Track progress by activity on a bar chart (each bar represents a day of the week), the percentage of hours worked and tasks delivered, and the last column displays the estimated date, if any. Delayed projects are highlighted in red, those that have no task are shown in grey, and those with estimated delays in orange.

Example: All projects for the week (Quick Project List> Define the name of the Metric> All Projects> SAVE).


- Project: displays the Project name. 

- Activity: shows, in a bar-chart, the project activity. Each bar represents one (1) day of the week, the last of which is the current date. The higher each bar is filled in dark gray, the greater the activity on the project was during that day. The total time that was invested in the project during those days is displayed next to the bar-chart. 

- Hours %: percentage of hours invested in the project. The green part represents the time already worked. 

- Tasks %: percentage of the project’s tasks that have been delivered. The green represents the tasks that have already been delivered. 

- Delivery: Estimated project delivery date.

  • List of Hours Invested by User

This is where managers can see who is logging hours in With this metric, you can visualize the percentage (%) of the registered hours and the total hours registered by each, or all, of the system’s users. In addition to this table, there is also a chart-metric listing registered hours per client, project or task type, which we'll discuss at greater length in the chart-metrics topic.

Example: Hours registered in the last 30 days for the communications team (List of hours invested per user> Select teams> Communications> Last 30 days> SAVE).

  • Chart of Registered Hours: by client, project or task type  

In addition to being able to view the registered hours per user in table form, you can also check the amount of time registered per client, project or task type, in the form of a bar chart. 

The period chosen in the filter influences the number of bars and their size on the chart. Each color in the bar represents a client, project, or task type, according to the chosen criteria. Clicking on the color will direct you to the data that generates that part of the metric. 

For example, if it is a Chart of Registered hours by Project, clicking on the color representing the project will display the tasks for that project that had their hours registered.

The graph’s X-axis represents the date and the Y-axis, the registered hours.

  • Chart: Registered hours by client 

Create a chart to visualize the hours invested by users per client. 

Go to New metrics > Registered hours chart by client. Enter a name for the metric. Choose whether you want the chart to display the times associated with all your clients or select specific clients. If you choose Select Clients you can also show others consolidated clients. 

Remember: you can only choose clients to which you, and the team to which you belong, have access. 

Under Do you wish to filter by Users? choose all users, the desired teams or desired users. 

Under What period do you wish to compare? choose an option from the list, from days to annual periods. It’s possible to show the untracked hours.

Click SAVE to create the chart. 

In the example below, we chose all of the clients for which the team performs tasks. There are a limited number of colors because they perform tasks for just a few clients. In this example, the client represented in dark blue was responsible for the greatest number of registered hours. The gray part of the bar represents unregistered hours.

  • Chart: Registered hours by project 

Create a chart to see the hours invested by users per project. 

Go to New metric > Registered hours chart by project. Enter a name for the metric. Choose whether you want the chart to report the hours invested in all projects or select specific projects. If you choose Select Projects you can also show others consolidated projects. 

Under Do you wish to filter by users? choose all users, the desired teams or desired users. 

Under What period do you wish to compare? choose an option from the list, from days to annual periods. It’s possible to show the untracked hours.

Click SAVE to create the chart. 

In the example below, we chose all of the projects the team worked on in last 30 days. The different colors correspond to the projects in which the team participated. The gray part of the bar represents unregistered hours.

  • Chart: Registered hours by task type  

Create a chart to see the hours invested per user for each task type. 

Go to New metric > Registered hours chart by task type. Enter a name for the metric. Choose whether you want the chart to report the hours invested in all types of existing tasks or select a particular type(s). If you choose Select Task Type you can also show others consolidated task types. 

Under Do you wish to filter by users? choose all users, the desired teams or desired users. 

Under What period do you wish to compare? choose an option from the list, from days to annual periods. It’s possible to show the untracked hours. 

Click SAVE to create the chart.  

In the example below, the task type chosen was 30 min. Interactions. The light-green part corresponds to the registered hours for this task type. The light-gray part of the bar represents unregistered hours and the dark-gray represents other. 

Attention: Team Plan clients will have access to the Dashboard but will not be able to edit the information.

7. Exploring the metrics

Depending on the type of metrics created, and you will find different options listed under the Settings icon:

In the lists of hours registered per user, you can Clone, Edit and Delete.

In the metrics that generate graphics, you can Export to XLSX, Clone, Edit and Delete.

In others, it is possible to View data; Export to XLSX; Export to CSV; Clone, Edit, and Delete.

When viewing data, you can find details of the metric to analyze the issue. For example, through the Delayed Projects metric, you will be able to view all of the company's delayed projects and those tasks are have forecast delays, highlighted in red, as in the example below:

Export to XLSX or export to CSV, generates a report in spreadsheet format, which is sent to the e-mail of the user who made the request.

Cloning allows you to create a metric identical to the one you selected. Delete, permanently deletes a metric.

In edit, you can change the name of the metric, the Column, Operator, and Value filters, and add more conditions.

Have any doubts? Send us an e-mail on or a mensage on our chat. 

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