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Learn how to use the platform's main features

Updated over 12 months ago

Reading time: 20 minutes

This article covers the following topics:

1. Introduction

How does work? is a software for managing tasks, flows and projects. It allows you to collaborate with all the company's teams and customers.

Projects are organized on, and within each one you can create tasks so that people can work collaboratively. By organizing each demand by boards, it is very easy to follow its progress from start to finish.

You can find requests, files and messages in just a few clicks - so you can say goodbye to endless exchanges of messages and make sure everyone knows where things stand.

Using the dashboard, you can view several metrics in real time, as well as extract reports about the status and development of each project - thus gaining a better understanding of the teams and projects.

Who can use it?

In order to provide additional security and prevent important information from being lost, users can set their profiles to only allow collaboration on tasks or to allow them to make more extensive changes to their accounts. Profiles are available for employees, leaders, managers, and administrators.

A special profile called guest user allows customers and external partners to align work with teams. It gets even better: guest users are unlimited for free.

Integration via API or Zapier paid accounts can use Zapier to integrate their account with over 5,000 different web applications (including Gmail, Google Calendar, Office 365, Slack, HubSpot and more – check out this link for all the possibilities).

This feature is very easy to use as most integrations can be done without the knowledge of advanced programming skills. Find out more details about it in our article.

2. Home

Home and main features

Log in to enter You will be directed to a page similar to this one:

At the top you will find the menu to access each feature.

1. Boards: an overview of a flow, starting from the beginning to the end.

2. Company: a list of all projects, tasks and clients registered in the account can be found here. Find the dashboard and reports in this space.

3. Teams: find out which teams and people are registered on

4. Me: your tasks will appear here in the form of a list or calendar (we'll talk more about it in item 6 of this article).

5. Bulletin: the company can activate this space so that all employees can leave messages - you can also send messages grouped by teams.

6. Search: search for tasks by name, word or ID (individual number of each task).

7. Help: talk to our support and ask your questions in the Help materials. Find shortcuts, apps for integrations and all upcoming certifications.

8. Recent Activities: use this quick list to find the latest tasks you've accessed.

9. Notifications: find in an organized way the latest comments and actions performed on the tasks you are involved in.

10. Settings: make all needed adjustments to the settings for users, teams, clients, and projects if you have the profile with permission.

11. New task: use this shortcut to register a new task, and click on the side arrow to locate the forms (we'll talk about these features later).

12. Profile: your photo, language option for using, password change, viewing in light or dark mode and account information are organized in this item.

Basic concepts: boards, stages and tasks

Boards: boards represent a workflow from start to complete.

Stages: columns can be added or deleted as needed, and the board can be divided into stages.

Tasks: are the demands requested by someone on the team or by a customer or partner.

In the next section, we'll explore each concept in more detail.

3. Introducing the boards

As mentioned before, on the board you can have a macro view of your workflow, from start to delivery, and check all the tasks recorded in this space.

Paid accounts can create multiple boards, and each board can be edited to reflect the workflow of a team, an area of the company, or a process.

When creating a new board, we have some templates to help you as a starting point, but you can also create it from scratch. Edit the name or move the stages to suit your flow.

The same board can be viewed in 2 ways: Gantt or Kanban.

Let's cover the main differences and features.

Gantt charts

For those who want a broader view of the project, a Gantt chart can visualize the demands in a visual schedule and help identify how available the team members are, avoiding overload or idleness.

At the top is a list of all the people involved in this board, along with their weekly workloads.

Choose which items you want to show or hide in the icon with the eye symbol (item 1 in the image above).

In the column on the left side of the screen, check 'View capacity' to check how busy or available hours are for each one. (Item 2).

You can refine your view by grouping information by stage, customer, project, or people (item 3). Choose the period you want to view by week, month or year (item 4).

Each task can be viewed as a list, and the desired start date and desired due date can be modified by adjusting the sliders.

Kanban mode

In this approach (the most common), the board is divided into stages and each task can progress through the stages as the project progresses to completion.

Board templates are divided by areas (marketing, sales, CRM, design and creative, development, human resources, operations, IT, customer success, finance, or default), and the stages can be edited after they are created.

Use the filters in the board, located on the left, to refine your search and view the tasks, as indicated in the image below. Only you will see this filter choice, and it is possible to save them.

4. Introducing the stages

The stages can be open or delivered - we will explain below how to use them.

Open stages

These are the stages that are part of the process, that is, that will be worked on during the development of demands, and, for this reason, the tasks can be edited.

Closed stages

These are flow completion stages, which serve to complete the demands - you can include more than one stage of this type in the board. If a task is in this stage, it can't be edited since it's already closed. If you need to edit it, return the task to a stage that's still open.

5. Introducing the tasks

Each task is a demand created so that one or more people can work. Tasks can change places and progress through the different stages of the board until they are completed. The task is displayed as a card on the board, and just click to enlarge it.

In the task you will find several resources to work collaboratively - to explain better, we have separated the image below into 3 areas: header resources (item 1), task description (2) and time and organization resources (3).

Header features

Play: you can activate or pause the timer to track the time invested in a task - it may or may not be used by the company. By using it, it is possible to calculate the time required to perform different types of tasks more accurately.

Check symbol: click to deliver your part or all of the task, thus indicating that it is complete, and moving it to the delivered stage.

Allocated people: this space will show the people allocated to work on this task. Simply click to open the list of users and select the person you want to add.

Current stage of this task: the button indicates which stage the task is in - you can change the stage from this list, or click on the little arrow on the side to move the task to the next stage on the board.

Share: you can add a guest user (customers or external partners) and choose which task items they can view.

More actions: other resources available, such as adjusting logged hours, sending task to the top of the stage, moving board, cloning, requesting approval, transferring to team, delivering task and deleting.

Close: Use X to close the task view.

Task description

At the top you find the task title (Task 01), the ID number on (#ID 8737), date, time and the name of the person who created it (it can be someone from the company or an external person who opened the task via the forms - we'll see this feature later).

You will find 5 tabs to leave the complete task information. Here they are:

Description: include all the important information for the execution of the task. Add checklists, images, website hyperlinks, and videos to the text in addition to changing the size, color, and formatting.

Comments: chat with other people on the team and tag each one with @username so they can reply to you and use emojis. To show or hide system comments, click on the robot icon. It shows a history of all changes made to the task.

Attachments: download important files from your computer or Google Drive. You can also share information with others using SharePage.

Subtasks: need to subdivide a task? No problem! Tasks and subtasks have the same features, and help organize a work from a parent (main) task to its subtasks, which are added by the team as needed. Learn more about it in A practical guide to subtasks on

Rules: there are a few options available to your company if it needs to set stricter rules for the workflow. The sequence of assignees helps determine an order of people who will work on the task, creating a passing of the baton. You can also determine which tasks must be delivered before (prerequisites) or after (subsequent) the completion of a specific job.

Time and organization resources

On the side of the task is important information to help organize the work, and most of the fields can be adjusted just by clicking on the value, as in the image above. Below is the default configuration of the screen - we'll go into detail on each feature.

1. Board: each task created in is linked to a board (this field must be filled in). If you need to move the task to another board, from Finance to Marketing, for example, just click on the title to check the list of boards you have access to.

2. Stage: this indicates which stage the task is in, and by clicking you can open the list with all the stages on the board, if you want to move it. Clicking on the down arrow expands the list of stages, and the double arrow next to it will move the task directly to the next stage, according to the flow established on the board.

3. Tags: as with social networks, tags help you find a set of tasks with the same classification. They are very useful when it comes to forms and automations.

4. Task type: corresponds to the type of activity to be carried out, such as "report", "text production", "alignment meeting", among others. Each company can create the names they wish to use.

5. Project: represents the project to which the task belongs - this is not mandatory.

6. Desired start: date suggested for starting the task, entered manually.

7. Desired delivery: date indicated for completion, also entered manually.

8. Repetition: repetition is used to make it automatic to create a task that is carried out from time to time - it is possible to determine the recurrence (week, month, etc.), without having to create them one by one.

This creation of new tasks with repetition can help, for example, to schedule tasks such as updating reports, presentations or any other periodic demand. Check out more details in the topic Task repetition.

9. Start date: this indicates the date of the first play given to start the task.

10. Time on this task: two values will appear here - on the left will be the hours worked on the task, and on the right the hours that have been estimated for completing this task (the latter number always reflects the time that has been recorded in the task type).

11. Time on subtasks: if the task has subtasks created, this is the sum of the time invested in all the subtasks. Learn about the possibilities of subtasks in the article A practical guide to subtasks on

12. Total time: the sum of the time invested in the main task and the subtasks. You can expand or hide this breakdown of hours by clicking on Show more or Show less.

13. Followers: people who will follow the development of the task, but who don't necessarily have to work on it; the use of this feature is optional.

14. Checklist: in this field you can define the step-by-step process that a given task needs to go through until it is completed (remember that you can also create a checklist in the task description).

15. Scrum points: this is a measure of effort based on the Scrum agile methodology, but it is not compulsory.

Now that you know all the features of the task, let's briefly comment on two areas that can make your day to day easier: the Me tab, to view your tasks and adjust your hours, and Forms, so people can create new tasks for the boards.

6. 'Me' tab resources

On the Me tab you can view the tasks you are involved in - this view can be done in the form of a list or a calendar. To make tasks easier to use, reorder or filter them.

In this space you find 5 tabs:

Tasks for me: tasks you are allocated to work on.

Tasks by me: tasks you've created for yourself or others.

Tasks I follow: he tasks you are a follower.

RR-Rating®: exclusive system that calculates productivity indexes according to the priorities indicated by the company. Learn more by clicking here.

Timesheet: in a few clicks, set your time markers on each task or add justifications for the whole day. Learn more details in this article.

Finally, let's explain how you can organize the entry of new tasks using forms.

7. forms

Forms at make it easier for the team and customers to input new tasks.

You can use one of our templates or create one from scratch. Anyone who wants to open a new demand can use the form to provide all the required information. As soon as a response is received, it will be viewed as a new stage or board in the form configuration.

In addition to the team, the form can be shared via link with external customers and partners. There is no limit to the invitation for guest users, and the account will not be charged in addition to the invitation.

Guest users can follow their team's tasks through a custom screen on, where they can view the current task stage, the chat and any existing attachments, as shown in the example below.

This way you can centralize the exchange of messages and files between the team and external people in a single space, leaving everyone on the same page. Check out more details about the form in this article.

Final message

Below we’ve gathered the links of the articles mentioned in this text and others that may interest you. And you already know: if you have any questions, talk to us via chat or send a message by email

Articles mentioned in the text:

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