When creating a new task, you can define Prerequisite tasks for it to be accomplished. Just click on the "Rules" tab below the task description:
It works like this: if a task must be performed only after the delivery of another, you set this workflow rule to the system. You can enter either the task ID as its title. Therefore, you can only choose tasks to be prerequisite to the current task if they are already registered in Runrun.it. To remove a prerequisite task, just move your mouse over its title and click "remove". If you need to add or remove one or more Prerequisite tasks to a task that is already being worked on, pause this task first. Now you can add or remove the Prerequisite task(s).
Still in the "Workflow" tab, you can check out the Prerequisite tasks already delivered. They will be in strikethrough text. The pending tasks will appear in blue (below).
Take note: if a Prerequisite task of the project’s workflow needs to be reopened, the system will show how many tasks depended on it and has already started or even delivered. If you still need to reopen it, who’s working will have to pause and who has already delivered his task, will reopen. Everything will flow normally, so the Prerequisite task reopened is finally delivered.
If the user is allowed by the system to pause or reopen the tasks, he/she can do it in "Advanced options", by clicking on "Reopen anyway." If not, this option will not be available, and the user must click on "Notify responsibles."
It’s important to say that if you choose to include Prerequisite tasks, you will not be able to use the Sequence of responsibles in any task of the same workflow.