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Introducing Boards on
Introducing Boards on
Updated over a week ago

Here's what you'll learn in this section: 

1) Learning about Boards

2) Manage Boards

3) Board Filters

4) Board Stages

5) Tasks on Boards

6) Adding Stages

7) Moving Tasks Between Boards

1. Learning about Boards

Boards is a new feature on that lets you display all the tasks in your account, arranged in columns that correspond to the Stages in your workflow.

In the image below, you can see a numbered sequence of the main items on your board.

  1. Manage Boards: by clicking here you can create a new board, or access the ones you have permission to view;

  2. Filters: You can use the filter function to display specific tasks;

  3. Stage: A part of your process or workflow;

  4. Task: Each card represents a task created in the system;

  5. Calendar: For entering the task’s desired delivery date;

  6. Allocation: For assigning specific users to work on a task.

  7. Create new stage: Insert a new stage (open or close) on your board.

You can create as many Boards as you need, depending on the number of individual workflows in your company. That way, you can manage all your processes on just one main board, or you can create a separate board for each department/area of your company.

You can filter tasks by Client, Project, Group, Subgroup, from one or more specific assigned users, for a specific desired due date, or in specific situations. We will cover this in greater detail in topic 3 of this article.

2. Managing Boards

Clicking the Manage Boards button gives you a list of the Boards you have permission to view.

Note: If you are an administrator or manager, you will be allowed to create new Boards and will also be able to view all of the company’s existing Boards.

Board Options

  • Rename

To change the name of the board, click here.

  • Visibility

Here you can select the users who will have access to the board. You can set the permissions when you create the board, or at any time after that.

When you opt to Enable public access, all of the account users gain access to the board.

When you prefer to restrict access, disable the first option and select the names of the users or teams who will have permission to view the board, alongside the administrators and managers.

After selecting the users who will have access to the board, you can define if they are board members or editors.

Members can view the board information, drag tasks from one stage to another, create tasks in Stages, and Enable notifications (to receive updates regarding a specific stage in the process).

Editors can edit board information, add Stages (open or close), delete the board, move tasks between Boards, and of course, access the same functionalities as every other member: filter data, move cards between Stages, Enable notifications (receive updates regarding a particular stage) and create tasks in the Stages.

  • Delete board

The process for deleting a board is divided into two steps. First, you must select the desired board and then confirm that you want to delete it, and second, you must decide what you would like to do with the tasks contained within the board.

To begin deleting a board click Manage Boards > select the desired board > click options > click Delete Board. The following message should appear on your screen:

Type the word delete and click Delete board.

Now you need to decide what you will do with the tasks contained within the Board you are deleting.

You can either delete the tasks as well or move them to another Board.

If you choose to delete them, click Delete tasks, type delete, and then click again on Delete Tasks.

If you choose to move the tasks, select their target Board, complete the next steps and, that’s it, you're done!

When you complete the process you’ve chosen, the following confirmation screen will appear:

Note: Deletions in are permanent. If, for example, you only have one Board under your account, and you delete it and also choose to delete the related tasks, you will delete every task under your account.

  • New board

To create a new board, click the New board button. Then type a title, and then define your workflow, the Stages that will be part of that board.

You can choose to create your own Stages or choose a Workflow Template.

Workflow Templates

When you create a new Board, there will be 6 available workflow templates, with the following Stages:

1) Default


In Progress


2) Marketing

Outline objectives and goals


In Progress



3) HR

Definition of Job Profile 

Job vacancy announcement


Contacting candidates


Negotiation and hiring


4) Design



In progress


Fine tuning


5) Development (IT)



Code Review




6) Sales



Meetings / Presentation of solutions 


Follow up and Negotiations




When you create a particular Board from a template, you can still opt to delete, create and rename stages. 

3) Filters

Board Filters are the fastest way to access specific information.

They are individual, meaning they work in the same way as Dashboard metrics. That way, you are free to create the filters that make the most sense to you.

To create a filter, you can combine options from the following:

Groupings and Tags 

  • Task Title

  • Clients

  • Groups

  • Subgroups

  • Projects

  • Teams

  • Task Types

  • Tags

Assigned Users

  • All

  • Unassigned

  • Select  assigned users

Desired due date

  • All

  • No date

  • Last 7 days

  • Today

  • Tomorrow

  • Next 7 days

  • Next 30 days

  • Select  date

  • Select  period

Task Status

  • Delayed

  • Effort Exceeded

  • Play activated

  • Pending for approval

  • My approvals

Once you have chosen the conditions, create a filter by clicking Save, enter a title for your filter, and then click Confirm.

In the above image, a filter was created to display the tasks within a specific user.

Any saved filters will appear in the upper box labelled MY FILTERS.

You can also create a filter to show which tasks are pending approval.

Or, you can create a filter to display the tasks assigned to two people within a specific project.

4) Stages

The columns represent the Stages that were created or selected during the creation of the board’s workflow.

There are two icons located below the name of each stage: a stack and a clock.

The stack icon denotes the number of tasks that exist in that particular stage.

The clock icon indicates the average amount of time a task spends in that stage, based on the average time tasks delivered within the last 30 days spent there. This gives you a better idea of how long individual processes take to complete.

There are 4 options within each stage:

  • + Add task

By clicking here, you can create a task at a specific stage in your workflow.

  • Move tasks

Here you will be able to move all of the tasks within one stage to other existing Boards.

First, select the desired board, choose the stage where want to transfer the tasks in the new board, and then click Next.

That’s it!

  • Enable notifications

You can enable notifications for a specific stage or stages when you need to keep updated on the progress of the tasks in those stages. 

  • Delete stage

The process of deleting a stage is divided into two parts: deleting the stage itself and whether to delete or move tasks.

First, you will confirm that you want to delete the stage and then choose whether to delete the tasks.

5) Tasks on the board

Each card within a Board represents a task created in, as per the following image:

  1. Client 

  2. Project

  3. Task Type

  4. Task Title

  5. Desired due date calendar

  6. User Allocation Icon

  7. Hours logged on a task

  8. Progress Bar

  9. Play icon - appears for the tasks to which you have been assigned

The three colored lines represent, respectively, the Client, Project and Task Type. Just click on one to view it.

By clicking on the calendar icon, you will be able to choose a desired due date for the task.

You can assign users to a task using the allocation icon.

The numbers indicate the hours, minutes, and seconds that have already been logged on the task.

The bar, located next to the time logged on the task, indicates the progress so far (relative to the task type’s estimated effort time).

Where a dashed line is displayed means the task is ongoing.

6) Adding Stages

To add a stage to your board, go to the last stage you delivered and click Create new stage. Enter the Stage Name, select whether it is an open or close stage, and click the (check) icon. Once you have created the stage, you can drag it to its respective place in your workflow.

Just a reminder:

  • Open stages refer to processes that occur before the task is delivered.

  • Close stages refer to the processes that occur after the task is delivered.

Only board editors can create new stages.

7) Moving tasks between Boards

If you have more than one board in your account or want to create a new board and move tasks from one to another, follow these instructions:

1. Use the filters to select the tasks you want to move. For example, you can select tasks for a specific project or just the “Creacion” task type.

2. Click the Move button and select the target board for the selected tasks.

But remember: each task can belong to just one board! You cannot “duplicate” tasks so that they appear on more than one board.

Have any doubts? Send us an e-mail on or a mensage on our chat. 

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