Moving Tasks in Boards
Updated over a week ago

1. Moving tasks between Boards

    1.1 Moving every task in one stage

    1.2 Moving tasks using filters

    1.3 Moving filtered tasks from one stage

1) Moving tasks in Boards

In, each task belongs to a Board. So, if you need to move tasks between Boards, you have 3 options:

1.1 Moving every task in one stage

To move every tasks in a particular stage, click on the options in the desired stage and select the Move Tasks option, select the target board of those tasks, choose the stage where these tasks will be in the new board, and then click Next.

The following message will appear after the tasks have been successfully moved:

1.2 Moving tasks using filters

If you want to move tasks from one specific project, customer or user, or from the delayed tasks, for example, just use the filters to choose the relevant tasks.

Then click Move in the bottom right corner of the page.

Select the board to which you want to move the tasks.

Select the stage to which these tasks will be transferred on the board.

Click Next.

All done! When the following message appears, the tasks have been moved:

1.3 Moving filtered tasks from one stage

If you only need to move certain tasks from the Delivered stage under Client A to another board, first select Client A’s tasks from the filters.

Next, click the options in the Delivered stage and select Move Tasks.

Choose the Board to which you want to move the tasks.

Select the stage that these tasks will occupy in the selected Board.

Click Next, and that’s it, you're done!

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