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Discover each task's features and make your day-to-day activities more agile

Updated over a year ago

Reading time: 20 minutes

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Task visualization

When you click on a task, this is the layout you will find:

Configuring these features will greatly help you organize your tasks, and we'll explain each item so that you can refer to this article whenever you want. Let's go?

Header features

In the task header, located at the top, you will find the following items:

1. "Play" icon: clicking on it starts or pauses the timer. When you click play, your avatar will see a green icon, indicating that the task has been activated.

2. Check icon: when you have finished your work, click on this item to hand in only your part or the whole task.

3. Individual avatar: shows your avatar first (if you are assigned to the task). Click on your avatar to access the options to hand in your part, transfer to another user, adjust logged hours or remove allocation.

4. Other avatars: this shows other people who have also been allocated to work on the task.

5. Add assignees icon: by clicking here, you can add other members of your team to the task, depending on their permissions.

6. Share: use this option to share the task with external users, who can be people outside your account, such as partners and customers.

By clicking on the Share button, as in the image above, you can add people's emails and write a message - choose whether you want to share the desired delivery date, current stage, percentage progress and attachments.

With paid accounts, the number of invited users is unlimited. Each external person will receive an e-mail message to access the task information, as shown below:

The external user sees an exclusive area like the image below, and will only find the information you share with them, which can be the desired delivery date, the current stage of the task, progress in % and attachments to view, download, approve or disapprove.

In addition, the external user will be able to exchange messages with their team via the task chat. Use the space to align demands, approve documents and keep everyone on the same page.

7. Task chat: the symbol with the chat balloon appears when the task is shared with invited users, and serves as a shortcut to open the messages exchanged between the team and people outside the account. It is important to note that all users with access to the task will be able to interact in the chat.

8. Add or remove urgency: mark or unmark the task as urgent.

9. More options: here you'll find several important features for changing the task, such as adjusting recorded times, sending the task to the top of the stage, moving it from one board to another, cloning it, converting it into a subtask (for main tasks), converting it into a main task and moving it to another task (options available for subtasks), as well as requesting approval, transferring it to the team and deleting it.

10. X icon: click to close the task.

11. Task title: name given when the task was created. It can be edited by clicking the cursor on the name.

12. Task ID: each task has a unique and exclusive number, which appears together with the date, time of creation and the name of the user responsible for registering the task. You can use this number to perform a search or make a filter to quickly locate this specific task.

Task tabs

We have five tabs to help you format and organize the information for your task: Description, Comments, Attachments, Subtasks and Rules. We'll go through each one in detail below.

Description tab

In this tab you can mention all the important information for the task to be carried out, detailing what needs to be done in this demand.

You can change the size, color and formatting of the text. You can also use simple resources to insert a checklist, images, website hyperlinks and videos into the description, as shown in the image below:

You can include hyperlinks to websites by clicking on the icon with a chain, and video links can be played without having to leave the task itself - to insert the video address, just click on the icon with the figure of a camcorder.

You can add images in 3 ways: copy and paste, take a screenshot (print screen button on your keyboard) or by clicking on the Image icon, as shown in the previous image. Images can only be added when using on a desktop or notebook.

Important: images in the description also consume company account storage (as do images in documents such as Google Docs and Google Slides).

How to align the image: place your cursor next to the image and press the alignment button (icon with four lines left, right, centered or justified).

How to copy text: for users using Microsoft Word on Mac, there are two options for pasting the text content of the document into the task description - right-click and select "Paste and Match Style", or use the keyboard shortcut Command+Shift+V.

Comments tab

In this area you can exchange information with other collaborators by mentioning them using their @name. You can also react to comments, including emojis, and activate or hide comments from the system using the robot icon in the top right-hand corner of the comments screen, as shown in the image above.

Attachments tab

You can attach materials to the task directly from this tab or via the task comments. In the Attachment field, you can download or include all the files at once, with various features available:

1. Sort by: there are four options for sorting the list of files - most recent attachment, oldest attachment, alphabetical order (A-Z) or alphabetical order (Z-A).

2. Search: search by file name, extension type (.doc, png, xlsx, among others) or tag included in the file - we'll see how to include tags later.

3. Attach file from Google Drive: enable this feature to share with members of your team so that they can open the document online.

If you log in to with a Google account, your Drive folder will open automatically when you click on the icon. If you have a different account, a window will appear asking you to log in to access Google Drive.

4. Attach a file from your computer: click on the icon with a paperclip to add it from your documents.

5. Download files: download a zip folder to your computer containing all the documents added to the task.

6. Create SharePage: using SharePage you can generate an external link to share files with people who use the system or not. The page can also be protected by a simple password. To do this in a task, just click on item number 6 in the image above.

7. Tags: add tags to attachments to categorize files and make them easier to find, so you can filter by file name and also by the words included in the tags. Attachment tags are independent of task tags and you can add as many as you like to the attachment, as well as delete, edit or create new ones.

8. Information about the attachment: this is where various items are displayed, such as the time the file was uploaded, who added it to the task, whether it is shared with invited users, a shortcut to chat with everyone involved, both internal and external, as well as the Copy link (to share with anyone), Send by email (to forward the file to one or more emails), Download (to download the only file selected) and Delete (for security, only people with permission can delete the file) actions.

Subtasks tab

Indicated with a downward arrow next to the title (⬎), subtasks have the same resources available as a standard task and can progress through the stages without losing their connection to the main task.

You can create up to 150 subtasks within a single main task to centralize your workflow.

Rules tab

Add a Sequence of Responsible Persons (sequence of collaborators who will work on a task) or define a Prerequisite or Subsequent task, i.e. a rule to establish which task should be started before or after the current task.

Task fields

On the side of the task is important information to help organize the work, and most of the fields can be adjusted just by clicking on the value, as in the image above. Below is the default configuration of the screen - we'll go into detail on each feature.

1. Board: each task created in is linked to a board (this field must be filled in). If you need to move the task to another board, from Finance to Marketing, for example, just click on the title to see the list of boards you have access to.

2. Stage: this indicates which stage the task is in, and by clicking you can open the list with all the stages on the board, if you want to move it. Clicking on the down arrow expands the list of stages, and the double arrow next to it will move the task directly to the next stage, according to the flow established on the board.

3. Tags: similar to social networks, tags help you find a set of tasks with the same classification. They are very useful when it comes to forms and automations.

4. Task type: corresponds to the type of activity to be carried out, such as "report", "text production", "alignment meeting", among others. This field is mandatory and each company can create the names they wish to use.

5. Project: represents the project to which the task belongs - this is not mandatory.

6. Desired start: date suggested for starting the task, entered manually.

7. Desired delivery: date indicated for delivery, also entered manually.

8. Repetition: repetition is indicated to make it automatic to create a task that is carried out from time to time - it is possible to determine the recurrence (week, month, etc.), without having to create them one by one.

This creation of new tasks with repetition can help, for example, to schedule tasks such as updating reports, presentations or any other periodic demand.

9. Start date: this indicates the date of the first play given to start the task.

10. Time on this task: two values will appear here - on the left will be the hours worked on the task, and on the right the hours that have been estimated for completing this task (the latter number always reflects the time that has been recorded in the task type).

11. Time on subtasks: if the task has subtasks created, this is the sum of the time invested in all the subtasks.

12. Total time: the sum of the time invested in the main task and the subtasks. You can expand or hide this breakdown of hours by clicking on Show more or Show less.

13. Followers: people who will follow the development of the task, but who don't necessarily have to work on it; the use of this feature is optional.

14. Checklist: in this field you can define the step-by-step process that a given task needs to go through until it is completed (remember that you can also create a checklist in the task description).

15. Scrum points: a measure of effort based on the Scrum agile methodology, it is not compulsory to fill this in.

Custom fields

To make the use of tasks even more personalized, it is now possible to create, remove and reorder task fields. The fields created can also be used in forms.

Only board editors can make these changes, which will be replicated in the view of other board users and applied only to the tasks on the adjusted board - this way, each board can have its own preferences for viewing the fields. Let's take a closer look at how to reorder, create and edit fields.

Reordering fields

To change the display order of the items in a particular board, click on the Fields button (which only appears for board editors), and move them by clicking on the little dots to the left of the field name, as in the image above.

Create a new field

To add new data, click on Fields, then on the New field button at the bottom of the window, as in the image above. Give this new item a name and, if you want, add a description for the field - this way the team will have more details on how to fill it in.

Once created, you can move the item to put it in the order you want, just click on the dots that appear next to the name.

We currently have the following types of fields:

Short text: use this option so that the user can fill in the field by writing a text (maximum 255 characters).

Numeric: in this field you can standardize the type of number that should be filled in - check if the number is decimal, add a prefix (such as a value expressed in currency, for example) or a suffix (such as a percentage, weight or any other measure you like).

Date: use this type of field so that people can fill it in quickly in month / day / year format. If you need to, you can also add a date and time.

Rating: use this field to measure the level of satisfaction or ask people for their opinion. You can adjust the scale from 1 to 10 as you wish, with numerical feedback, in the shape of a heart or stars.

Single selection: use this item so that the person can select only one option.

Multiple selection: in this item the person can select more than 1 item.

How to edit fields

You can activate or deactivate the use of a field, as well as edit or delete it. We'll explain how to use each item below:

1. Activate or deactivate field: by default, the newly created field is activated so that people can use it in the board's tasks. When deactivated, the field is no longer editable in board tasks.

By deactivating a field, users will no longer be able to edit it - so the data already entered will not be lost, and the field can be reactivated in the future. Once deactivated, the field that is not filled in will no longer appear in the tasks and will remain in the inactive fields section, as shown in the image below:

2. Edit field: to make any adjustments, click on the pencil symbol and a window will open so that you can change the name and description of the field. Once the field has been created, it will not be possible to change the type of field (e.g. from text to date).

3. Delete field: to permanently delete the field from all tasks on the board, click on the symbol with the trash can and type "Delete". Important: the filled-in data will also be deleted, and it is not possible to undo this action.

Time center

You can adjust your time and view the hours logged on the task by other people via the time center. As shown in the image above, it can be accessed by clicking on your avatar (item 1), the more actions button (item 2) or the task time (item 3).

When you open the center, you can click on the time to add or delete hours, as well as edit your effort:

In the Details field, you can check the time changes you made manually, and in the icon with the three dots, you can assign your part of the task or remove your assignment:

Final message

We have listed some articles below that may interest you. And you already know: if you have any questions, talk to us via chat or send an e-mail to

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