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Form Settings

Learn how to send your form responses to the correct board with just a few clicks

Updated over a week ago

Reading time: 4 minutes

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If you have already edited your form (check out the article How to edit forms), the next step will be to adjust the settings. In settings, you can specify which stage and board these responses should be sent to.

The board and stage fields are mandatory, and in the other items, the type of task can be marked, including tags to facilitate the search, indicating which project the task will be linked to and which users are authorized to open tasks with this form.

In the example below, a person fills out the form and a task card is displayed on the teams board.

Next we will show all the fields for adjustments in this field.

Main features

1. Board

In this form, each answer will generate a task, which will be placed inside a board. You must choose to which board the responses of this form should be sent.

In order for your form to be activated, this setting is mandatory. In the image above, responses will be directed to the board named Example.

2. Stage

The first stage of the board will appear automatically below it after it has been defined, but you can change it to indicate in which stage the responses should be forwarded.

In the figure above, all requests for this form will be routed to the Inbox stage.

Even if this stage changes places (from the second to the third column of the board, for example), the form will continue with the configuration, that is, the demands of this form will continue to be forwarded to the Inbox.

The tasks will automatically be forwarded to the first stage of the same board if the stage is deleted.

3. Task type

Forms are created with a default task type that can be changed to a more appropriate one.

In this figure, for example, the tasks for this item are marked New. To better understand this configuration, access the article Create Task types.

4. Tags

This is yet another feature that makes it easier to find tasks. Configure the tags you want to appear in these responses. We have added a tag to our example from above: New task.

As with the other settings, tasks generated from this form will have tags defined here - so you can find these tasks using the tags in the filters.

To learn more about filters, read the article How to use Filters in Boards.

5. Project

This definition is optional, which means you can activate your form without it.

Following our example, the task is linked to the runrun>Project Example.

6. Open tasks from the form

In this field, users or teams can be used to respond to your form and, consequently, create tasks from this action.

In the example above, so that customers, partners and staff can respond to the form to submit requests, we left the item All checked.

You can learn more about sharing options in the article How to share a form after adjusting the settings.

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