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How to edit forms

Find out what resources are available to customize forms

Updated over a week ago

Reading Time: 23 minutes

This article covers the following topics:


Share button

Preview button

Rate this space button

More options button

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Short text

Long text

Multiple selection

Single selection

List selection



Phone number




Table fields

Customizable fields

Task type


Desired start

Desired delivery


1. Creating a form

Find the forms on

Forms can be accessed in three places, as shown in the image below:

1. Company > Forms: by clicking on Company and selecting Forms, you can find all the forms for the account you have access to.

Manage the forms in this area: filter the forms, choose which columns you want to show or hide, create, edit, clone or delete the forms. You can also export the list of forms in XLSX or CSV format - you'll receive the file in your e-mail.

2. Board forms: this section only shows the forms linked to the board that is currently displayed on your screen. All the features mentioned in the section for managing forms can also be found here.

3. New task button shortcut: click on the arrow next to the New task button to find the active portals and forms. Use the search field to find the form you want, click on the pencil symbol next to the title to edit the form, mark the star to make the form a favorite and appear in the top positions, view all forms or select the New form option to create a new document.

Important: to have more control over who can and can't create forms, the editor can make this adjustment in the board settings, as shown in the image below - find out more about this in the article Introducing Boards on

The account administrator can also activate the Create tasks via forms only option in the company's general account settings - this way employees can open new tasks by choosing the most suitable form.

Next, we'll describe the first step in creating a form.

Create your form from scratch or use a template

By clicking on Create form, a window will open with some template options (item 1 in the image below), or click the New blank to include all questions in your form from the beginning (item 2).

We have divided the models into four areas: marketing, human resources, sales and information technology. You can customize each form according to your needs by including or excluding questions from the template.

Click on the form you want to preview or use. As shown in the following example, you can view the models in a list or grid:

For more details, read the article How to use the template forms.

2. Key features

Quick overview of the form

The form consists of six main parts:

1. Edit form: in this tab you can adjust your questions and the data required for your form.

2. Preview: click here to see how your form looks.

3. Questions panel: there are three features in the panel, at the top of which is a quick search for the type of question you want, the questions, whose answers will only appear in the task description, and the custom fields, which are questions that, once answered, will appear filled in in the description and also as information present in the task field (we'll go into more detail on the use of custom fields later). To build the questions on your form, simply drag and move the item to change the order.

4. Share: as the name suggests, this tab contains all the options and resources available for sharing the form with people inside or outside your account.

5. Task settings: in a few clicks you can define where you want to send the answers to your form - each answer will appear as a task card on your team board.

6. Last saved update: so that you don't miss anything, changes and adjustments made to the form are automatically saved, and this field shows when the form was last saved.

We'll go through each feature in detail below to show you all the possibilities of the form.

3. Header

At the top of the form is the header, which includes the following information:

Inactive/Active Button: after you finish editing a form, tick the Active button so that your form is available to receive responses. Tick “inactive” so that this form can no longer be answered (thus, the person who tries to open the link of this form is directed to a screen like the one below, and will not be able to fill it out).

Share button: enable this option to make the form accessible to external users. For more details, visit the article How to share a Form.

Favorite: highlight the form you have created as a favorite to make it stand out in the top positions of your quick access tab.

Rate this space button: we've created this field to receive your feedback. Feel free to suggest improvements.

More options button: by clicking on the second-to-last icon in the header, with the three dots, you can access the following options:

See the tutorial: click on this item to recall the features of the form with a quick tour.

Clone form: make a copy of this form with all its contents.

It's important to note that the settings aren't copied, but they can be altered in a few clicks.

Export answers to XLSX or CSV: users can export the answers given in the forms in XLSX (excel spreadsheet) or CSV (file with table record in each row and with columns divided by separator) formats.

Each question becomes a column in the table and can be used for data extraction and analysis.

Important: editing the task created from the form response does not alter the information that can be exported.

Delete: use this item if you want to delete the form. Use this item with care, as when you delete the form it will not be possible to recover it.

Close button: clicking the X will close the form, but don't worry: you can continue editing later, just find it in your form list.

Let's look at the types of questions available for your form.

4. Types of questions

In this panel you can choose which type of question is most interesting for building your form. To add a question, simply click on the + icon or drag it where you want it.

Use the quick search at the top to find the type of question you want. We'll go into detail below on the use of each type of question:

1. Title: use this option to add an intertitle in the middle of the form. This way you can create divisions within the same questionnaire.

2. Short text: as well as being a good option for asking for a summary of the request in a short sentence, this item can be used as the title of the task.

3. Long text: ask a question and leave the space for a more in-depth answer.

4. Multiple selection: as the name suggests, use this item and ask a question so that the person can select more than one option.

5. Single selection: in this item the person can only mark 1 item.

6. Numeric: in this option you can choose which measure will be applied (dollar, meter, percentage, among others) and whether you want this measure to appear before or after the number (prefix or suffix).

7. Date: use this item so that the requester can indicate the desired delivery time for this demand. You can enable the Include time field so that the requester can define the time together with the date.

8. Telephone: this field makes it easier to collect contacts, avoiding format errors when entering the telephone number.

9. Evaluation: use this field to measure the level of satisfaction or ask the opinion of the people who are answering your forms. You can adjust the scale from 1 to 10 as you wish, with numerical feedback, heart-shaped feedback or stars.

10. CPF: field for entering the eleven-digit format of the document.

11. CNPJ: use this space for the respondent to include the number in the correct structure - 00.0000.0000/0000-00.

Board fields

Next up are the questions called Board fields, which have this name because they are linked to the customizable fields. The fields created on the board can also be used as questions - in this way, the answer sent by the person to this question will appear in the task description and will also be filled in on the side field of the task. Check out some of the possibilities below:

12. Customizable field: to give an example of a customizable field, we have created the example below, called Invoice. This field was created by the editor of the frame connected to this form, as shown in the image below:

The customizable fields created on the board will always appear on the side as question options. Remember that once filled in by the respondent, the field information will appear in the task description and on the sidebar, as shown in the image below:

13. Type of task: this feature creates a list on the form of the types of tasks registered in the system, helping to categorize and estimate the time required. When responding, the applicant can define the type of task that will be created from their response. The form editor can add the entire list of types from the system, or select certain task types to be displayed.

14. Tags: if you add this type of question, the respondent can add the tags from a list visible on the form.

15. Desired start: add this question so that the person can include a desired date for the task to start.

16. Desired delivery: add this question so that the respondent can include a deadline for the task to be completed.

17. Attachments: allow the respondent to attach files along with the answers to this form.

5. Form page

This central screen makes it very simple to assemble your form: name, include or exclude items, change the order, and even clone questions.

We will explain how to use each feature of this space.

Choose a background color

You can customize the background color of your form to match the company, the client, or even make it more fun by choosing one of the standard options or clicking on the +, as shown below.

Include an image or logo

You also have the option of including an image at the top of the form. The background color and image customization are visible to both users and external users who access the form through a link.

The image must be saved as a JPG, PNG, or GIF with a maximum size of 5 MB.

Write a title and description on your form

Give the form a title and, if you want, include a description in the form (see below for an example indicated with an arrow). The description is optional and will not appear on the form if left blank. This title will also appear in your form list for easier search:

This item can be edited with the following features:

1. Style: quickly choose a font size to display;

2. Bold;

3. Italics;

4. Underline;

5. Strikethrough;

6. Text color;

7. Highlight color;

8. Numbered list: if you want to place numbered sentences in your text, use this feature;

9. Bulleted list: make a list with topics;

10. Text Alignment: choose whether to keep the text aligned left, right or centered;

11. Checklist: leave the sentences with topics in a checklist;

12. Page hyperlink: if you want to place a hyperlink of a web page, just select a word, click on the hyperlink icon (in the form of a chain) and paste the electronic address;

13. Image: include an image of your computer;

14. Video hyperlink: you can also insert a link to a video from the internet to show it in this space. It is possible for the user to play and watch the video without leaving the form;

15. Display source code: changes the text formatting to make the code easier to read;

16. Quotation marks: this feature allows the paragraph to be formatted as a textual quotation;

17. Formatting mark: modifies the direction of the text block to the left (useful for languages that write and read right-to-left, such as Arabic).

Add and edit questions

Discover the editing possibilities for your questions below.

Add question: click the + icon of the desired question option, or drag it to the form. When making an inclusion, the type of question is indicated at the beginning.

Change Question Type: to change, simply delete the current question and select the new format.

Clone Question: duplicating and editing a question allows you to take advantage of its structure.

As shown below, the question cloning symbol is located in the upper right corner.

Delete question: to delete a field, use the trash can icon that appears at the top of the question, next to the Clone question.

Include description in question (optional): if necessary, put a description in the question so that it gains more context, so the answer will be more assertive. This area will not be visible to the respondent if you do not type anything in it.

Change the order of questions: drag an item to the position you want to change the order of questions, as shown below.

Mark question as mandatory

Using the selector in the left corner of each question, you can choose which answers must be filled in mandatory in order to avoid incomplete requests.

Task title and date standardization

Whenever someone fills out your form, a task will be created in your account. We've already commented, but it's good to remember: your task will appear in the board and stage you indicated when creating the form, as in the example below:

By default, most of the information goes to the task description. A very nice tip to help visualize tasks: put a Short text and select the item Connect to field: task title to standardize this answer as a title for the task cards.

Also use a Date and Time, and select Connect to field: Desired delivery. This information will appear as the desired due date when the applicant responds.

Question branch

In multiple selection, single selection or list of options you can use branching to ask for more detailed information according to the person's answer. You can use branching by selecting the icon in the question option.

An example of use can be seen in the image below. In the question bellow “This application is about:”, the branch opens several new possibilities for questions: the respondent who chooses the option ‘Refunds’ sees the options ‘Transportation’, ‘Travel’ and ‘Credit Card’, and those who choose the item ‘Credit Card’ can fill the item ‘Include the amount’. The branch can ask different questions within the same branch.

You can branch the question up to 3 levels:

6. Adjust the settings

In settings you determine to which board and stage the responses of this form should be sent. The answers will be displayed as tasks in this board and stage that you determine.

The fields Board and Stage are mandatory, as this defines where the responses generated by this form must be forwarded on

In addition to the task title, board and stage, it is possible to configure:

Task type: if you add the task type as a question, this field will be variable, according to the respondent's choice.

Tags: this can also be set if you want a tag that is always the same in the answers to the form you are creating or if you want it to become a question.

Project: optional, use this field if you want to define a project for the tasks that will be generated from this form.

Portal settings: Business and Enterprise customers can create portals to organize their company's forms, sharing a single link with a list of several forms - so that other users of the account or external people can view and choose the best form to send their request.

In this field you can also check or link the form you are creating to one or more portals. Find out more about this feature in the article How to share a form. Next, we'll talk more about form sharing.

7. How to use sharing

Once you've finished editing, click on the Share button to define who can edit or just reply to your form - it can be accessible to users of your account as well as external people.

When you click, a window will open with two tabs: internal access and external access.

Internal access: define which users in your account can edit or only view. Important: board editors are also allowed to edit the forms that are linked to your board.

Public link: this is where the features for displaying the form to external people are organized.

In the article How to share a form we explain everything about each feature of this space.

Important: the forms can be answered on the cell phone or tablet of account users with access to the Android and iOS app. Download the app for free and log in with the same login and password you used for the desktop version.

Final message

Below we’ve gathered the links of the articles mentioned in this text and others that may interest you. And you already know: if you have any questions, talk to us via chat or send a message by email

Articles mentioned in the text:

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