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Converting hours in the Spreadsheet Reports
Converting hours in the Spreadsheet Reports

Learn how to convert reports to total hours

Updated over a year ago

Reading time: 3 minutes

Topics explored in this article:

Converting hours has three reports that show the time in decimal form: General Status Report, Timesheet per Client and Time by stage. To access them, simply go to the Company tab and click on Reports.

Important: only administrators and managers can view all the Reports. Team leaders can only view their team's data.

To convert the time to hours and minutes format (XX:XX) there are two possibilities:

Simple calculation

This conversion can be done in any spreadsheet, Excel, Google Spreadsheets, etc.

1) Keep the values that come before the comma (this will be the value in hours).

2) Multiply the values after the comma by 0.60 (this will be the value in minutes).

Example: 10.75 = 10 hours and 0.60 x 75 = 45 minutes.

Calculating in excel

1) Convert the hours in the report using the formula "=hour/24" (Equals sign and hour value divided by 24).

2) Then click on the time cell with the second button and choose "Format Cells...> Time". That's it!

In the topics below you will see examples of conversion in the time columns of Spreadsheet reports and how to apply the two conversion options presented above.

General Status Report

In the example below, we're going to convert the numbers in the Already recorded h column to Hours in the General Status Report.

To make the conversion easier, first split the numbers before and after the comma into different columns. With the new column (created only with the numbers after the comma) apply the formula =0.60*value to the cell in Column 1.

Then you'll have the value of hours in the column Already entered h and the value of minutes in Columns 1.

Check out the steps:

  1. Insert column on the left

  2. Select the column "Already registered h"

  3. Click on the DATA tab in excel

  4. Select the "Text for columns" icon

  5. Follow the steps: Delimited > Next > Comma > Next > Finish > OK

  6. Now you will enter the following formula in each column: =0.60*value in the "Columns 1" cell and click Enter

  7. Do this for all the columns and convert the values!

Timesheet per Client

In the example below we will convert the numbers in the Total hours column to Hours in the Timesheet by Client report using the second calculation example.

To make the conversion, create a new column, divide the numbers in the Already recorded column by 24 and then convert the format to hours.

Here's how:

  1. Click with the right mouse button Insert > Table column on the left.

  2. In Column 1 enter the following formula: =[@[Total hours]]/24 and click Enter

  3. Select Column 1

  4. Click with the right mouse button and follow: Format Cells... > Time > 37:30:55 > OK

  5. The conversion is ready!

Final message

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